Excel shed

Master the tools you need to make Microsoft Excel work for you.

Do you avoid working on your Excel spreadsheets when your colleagues are around?

Are you embarrassed about how long it takes you to build a formula?

Do you worry that there might be a much quicker way?

If you're not sure, it's time to take control and learn how to use Excel – properly.

Choose how you want to master Excel

Videos online

Learn in your own time and at your own pace. 

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Learn live with a qualified instructor at your own workplace.

Melbourne and regional Victoria.

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Who we are

We are two Melbourne-based trainers who are passionate about Excel.

We have delivered hundreds of Excel courses, at all levels, since 2007.

We look forward to helping you develop your own Excel skills.

Martin Healey

Martin is passionate about Excel; and making sure that you get real Excel skills that you can apply straight away.

Martin's experience includes running his own retail business, working as a vocational trainer, and teaching lots of Excel courses over the years.

Martin's qualifications include an MBA and a diploma in vocational training.

Martin is a Microsoft-certified Excel Expert.

LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/martin-healey-australia

Martin Davies

Martin has worked extensively with Excel and other data management tools, databases etc., in the Health, Power and Legal industries.

Martin especially enjoys training people new to Excel, and others at an intermediate level who wish to improve their skills and productivity. 


I really got a lot out of the course. I've used Excel for a while, but I've never really felt confident with it. Now I feel I can take on the world! Thanks, Martin for your CLEAR explanations.



Wow! I thought I knew the basics - but this course has blown my mind - lots of quicker ways to do things. I loved the keyboard shortcuts and all those little tricks. Thanks :)



My tutoring sessions were easy and fun. I did the Remote Learning program, and highly recommend it for anyone who prefers learning online.



Contact us

Excel shed

Camberwell VIC

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